Audiophile Speaker Set-Up (2018) was created to help the audiophile find the best placement for installation of their speakers in order to obtain optimum performance within their personal parameters. This is one of the best selling albums on music sale sites. It will help you set up your speakers for an ultimate listening experience.

Audiophile Speaker Set-Up includes 13 tracks of spoken instructionsand 61 page booklet, helpful illustration. The other 56 tracks contains music and sonic examples to use for judging the progress of the placement, as well as a good dose of music tracks for listening pleasure.

2xHD is an accurate and musical mastering system, earning recognition from peers and from the specialized trade publications around the world.

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  • Label2xHD
  • CountryCanada
  • Release date02, Feb 2018
  • GenreClassical
  • FormatDSD128 & Flac 16bit

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