The Voice Of ELAC released 2015 by In-Akustik following the philosophy of ELAC: authentically, naturally and dynamically. Have the best seat in the concert hall, front row tickets, feel the music, totally immerse yourself in it. Experience the fascination of sound, soulful songs of exceptional Singer/Songwriters form a true listening experience.

Album The voice of elac presented by the artist: Alan Taylor, David Munyon, Otis Taylor, Carrie Newcomer, Eugene Ruffolo

ELAC (Electroacustic GmbH) is based in Kiel, Germany. Here it designs and manufactures loudspeakers of the highest quality, have marked as exemplifying Finest German Engineering in the field of loudspeaker design

In-akustik is part of the family-run Braun Group, founded in 1977 in Germany. A pure sound, a sharp picture and an exclusive feeling of luxur. This is what They’re all about – quite simply the utmost quality for your eyes, your ears and all your senses.

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